So, if you've been following me on social media, you're probably one of the many people laughing at my attempt at riding a mechanical bull. I was walking along River Street in Savannah, GA and I just couldn't resist when I saw it. It was an incredibly fun and obviously FUNNY experience! Trust me, 3 days and a few bruises later, I'm still laughing as hard as I was in that moment. The thing is, when you live a life that is spiritual and spirit-led, no moments are without insight and inspiration. Not even bull-riding. Here are the themes that have been ringing through my thoughts since that day:

1. You never know when a Bucket List item will present itself. (Yes. I’ve wanted to ride a mechanical bull for years.)
2. If even you don’t feel completely prepared, sometimes you just have to go for it anyway. I was NOT dressed for bull riding. I was dressed for brunch with my sisters! (Shout out to Trauma Unit 31!) Some of you may recognize that jumpsuit. I’m certain that my stylist will. I was afraid that I might ruin it. The guy operating the ride, David, suggested that I just climb up there and see how it feels. And well...yeah. The rest is history.
3. It’s not as “scary” as it looks, but it’s definitely harder than it looks! And ultimately you can't afford to care how you look if you really want the fullness of the experience...or any experience.
4. You will never know what something is really like until you actually do it. Watching is not the same thing as feeling. Studying and researching (aka Google searching) can never take the place of just doing.
5. Doing something that no one else is doing will draw a crowd. Most of the crowd will be onlookers and commentators. But in doing, you’ll probably give someone else the courage to “do”, too! Go for it...and watch how your actions inspire someone else to go for it as well. Your bravery on display is permission for others to step into their bravery as well.
6. Once you start to do something, your audience will find you. When my Linesisters and I walked up, we were literally the only 3 people. It was kind of a ghost town. By the time I’d finished my rides, there was a crowd of about 20 people.
7. When your audience comes, engage them! After the final ride, I turned to everyone on all sides and boldly asked: “Have you been entertained?!” It was pretty hilarious and great.
8. Falling is part of the ride. That’s why safety and protection is built into the experience. The first ride started super slow to get a feel for the ride AND for the fall. Once you know that neither are designed to hurt you, but to give you a great experience, it’s easier to lean into it and enjoy yourself. Falling comes with the territory, but it’s totally part of the fun!
A few years ago, legendary television writer, Shonda Rhimes wrote a book called Year of Yes, based on a year-long experiment of saying yes to every opportunity that presented itself in her life. And I get it. I'm with it. Sure, I'll do it my own way...but I'm totally with it. At this point in my life, I am firmly convinced that life is not nearly as fun from the sidelines. Going forward, I refuse to be the girl who didn't ride the bull.
*I only posted a few clips on social media. Check out the full video below. Laugh loud and hard. I certainly did!
Royally yours,